Tuesday, October 19, 2004

When we entered the Communications area of the building, we passed some private offices (Dan, Tom, SW, Terrill). Now the room is opening up into a large area filled with cubicles. Two of the cubicles on our left and one there in the center of the room are home to our Staff Services department. MC, CE, and JD work hard to take care of the paperwork and communication that needs to happen to keep an office of 77 full time workers working effectively. They care for everything from insurance to vacation time to office policies to support raising help.

The "support raising" leads me to another topic. Each of the staff here at the ministry raise their own financial support (like missionaries). Why? This allows the gifts that come in for missionaries and tracts and radio broadcasts to go to the mission field without us taking a percentage for administrative costs. I spent eight months raising most of my support before arriving down here and now I only have $100/month left to raise. That's 10 people at $10/month. So I'm off to Kanas this weekend to visit college friends and share with people and churches during this weekend as well. We'll be taking a break from the building tour until I get back mid-next week. Please pray for the time I have with friends and supporters and future supporters. I'll also be sharing in classes at the college. Pray for God to speak through me.

This evening, I held in my hands a letter in Hindi--written in response to one of our radio broadcasts in Asia. The man who wrote it had read a tract and listened to our radio broadcast and now led several church classes. He wrote the radio headquarters there in Asia to request one tract for each of the students so they could also read about it. The names of the students took up three full notebook pages.

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