Thursday, May 13, 2004

This evening we had Ladies Meeting. It was a special meeting as two of our leaders' wives accompanied them from India. Tonight, the two sisters shared their testimonies and exhorted us to stand strong as a family in the battle.

Sister M. is the wife of our North India regional leader. She has been having back problems. Please pray that she will be completely healed. I was challenged by the fact that after she takes her kids to school, she spends from 9:00 to 11:30 every morning in prayer and in the Word. Wow! To be a mom of two kids, a pastor and leader's wife, lead ladies' ministry, and spend that much time with God!

Sister A. is the wife of the leader who overseas all of the work on the field across the subcontinent. Sister A. has her BA in Education and her Masters in English. She has two kids (age 16 and 10), teaches 13 credit hours of classes at the Asian Biblical Seminary, and works 30+ hours a week overseeing the proofing of all the missionary testimonies that get sent to the states for the supporters. Please pray for her husband who is struggling with hyperthyroidism.

It was really neat to hear their stories and struggles and triumphs. I wish that all of you could meet them too...

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