Friday, August 27, 2010

Life in a Small Town

Subtitled: How to Get Chocolate Chips after the Grocery Stores Close

We're "home."  We're back in Kansas at the same location as our dishes and our bed and our kitchen for the moment.  We pulled in Wednesday evening (after a delightful supper with supporters in Hydro, OK) and most of Thursday/Friday was settling back in.  Mother had stocked our fridge with basic food stuff and I was still wiped from the tooth extraction, so things were pretty lazy.

This evening, we randomly decided to make Dorinda's Famous Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.  So I started pulling long-unused ingredients from the cupboards.  Flour, baking powder, eggs, salt, butter... SUGAR!  I realized I didn't have sugar!  Or, upon second glance, chocolate chips!  ACK!

Greg glanced at his watch - 8:57pm.  The stores here close at 9! We started to get frantic...

"you go!" I said.

"But you know what you're looking for," Greg replied.  "Besides, if we miss the store, you're more likely to be able to get in!"

"Let's both go!"  I said and we jumped in the van to drive the three blocks to the grocery store.  We (of course) got stopped at the only stoplight between our house and the store, but then made a beeline to Larry's Hometown Market and pulled into the parking lot -- only to be greeted by a dark store and locked doors.  They were already closed.

We started to pull away when I saw someone walking up the sidewalk to the store.  "Stop!"  I said.  "That's Larry!"

I threw open my door so Larry the grocer could see me.  "Larry, can I grab a bag of chocolate chips?!?!  Please?!?"

"Sure!" said Larry!  He opened the door of the grocery store and held his flashlight so I could see which bag of chocolate chips I wanted.  I added a bag of sugar and they rang us up.

Greg drove me home and we made cookies.  Yum!
What say me take cookies to the grocery store tomorrow? :)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Fun story. And it's making me hungry for your cookies! :-) I love your cookies. :)