KT and I had Grateful Friday last week - the School of Discipleship students all gathered at my house for a night of praise and thanksgiving. The specific focus was praising God for who He is. Neither KT nor I are creatively-inclined, so we were quite proud of ourselves for turning these kids' building blocks:

into this collage/puzzle thing:

We then cut the puzzle apart along the building block lines and passed out the pieces to the attendees as the arrived. Each person added their piece of the puzzle when they shared their praise/thanks.
Random story: One of our GFA kids, 3 year old Andrew, was crawling quietly along a row of chairs after prayer meeting last night when I reached over and gently rubbed his sides (not enough to tickle him, just enough to get his attention). He looked up at me and sighed and smiled as he said, "Winda, Winda."
I'm not sure any of you should try to call me that, but it sure was cute coming from him.
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