Monday, January 14, 2008

Kitchen unpacked

The kitchen has been unpacked and the couch cover is in the dryer. I planned on unpacking my bedroom tonight too, but it will have to wait.

PRAY for my three new interns that arrive in 10 days. Each of them are going through unique challenges as they raise support and prepare to say goodbye to their families.

There was a suicide bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan this morning. It makes it all the more real when someone you care about is over there. Silly college roommate keeps traveling the globe - Pakistan, Guatemala, and now Afghanistan. :) I'm sure she'd appreciate your prayers too.

Stop by the GFA website and see the latest on the Orissa persecution. One of our pastors and his family have lost the church, their home, and all their possessions. PLEASE pray for them as they seek the Lord. The pastor needs healing after multiple beatings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny how knowing someone so far away makes such things seem closer to home. Hope the transition into your new home with new interns goes well.

God Bless LT