Thursday, September 21, 2006

What's the hurry?

I just finished running the sound board at GFA's bi-monthly Ladies' Meeting.  Gisela shared stories from Joshua -- how the tribes entered into the land of Canaan, but very few actually went out and possessed the land.  Most of them just stayed where they were, living in one corner of their territory.  Perhaps they asked, "What's the hurry?  We're here now.  The land isn't going anywhere."  But by not possessing the land, they missed many of God's blessings AND had a good deal more trouble down the road.
Where am I in my spiritual life?  Am I camping out, content with where I am?  Am I smug in my knowledge of salvation, but forgetting that God has promised us power to be His witnesses, faith that has overcome the world, His love shed abroad in our hearts?  What have we not possessed?  And how long will we put it off?
Philippians 3:12 - Not that I have already attained, but I follow after that I might apprehend...

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