Monday, October 11, 2010

It's a Monday!

It's a Monday morning and I have so many things to be thankful for! I've got a snug little "home" that keeps me safe from thunderstorms and hail (like the stuff we got yesterday), a wonderful family (including a brother-in-law who is having his "39th" birthday today), errands to run (and God-provided finances to get needed supplies),  my Mr. Amazing (who loves me relentlessly and reminds me of God's truths), and the great privilege of helping reach the world for Christ (and LightSys on-line prayer meeting this afternoon)!

I've been a little scattered the last couple weeks and haven't been getting things done very well.  So hopefully we'll do a bit better this week.  :)  You can pray for focus and deliberateness and follow-through for me.  Oh, and wisdom!  Wisdom is a good thing

Fun picture for the day: Greg and I working "remotely" last Mon/Tues. :)

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