Wednesday, June 23, 2010

On the road again...

Hmm... let's see how many times I can use this same title for different posts this year. :P  Greg and I are back on the road again.  We headed out of Upland, IN this morning with a fully packed van and pulled into the Minneapolis area this evening to see members of Greg's extended family and spend the night with his aunt and uncle.  It felt like my first real "immersion" into Greg's extended family as we met various aunts, uncles, and cousins this evening.  I was a tiny bit overwhelmed (especially having just spent 10+ hours in the van), but settled in quickly (I think).  Yay for new family!

We'll spend the next couple of days en route to Seattle with some camping a long the way.   We just bought a second-hand backpacking pack for Greg today off craigslist and are watching for a smaller one for me.  Let me know if you have leads on someone wanting to offload some backpacking equipment on the cheap. :)

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