We just finished up our days at LeTourneau University's Missions Emphasis Week and a had a great time there visiting with the students and the other mission organization reps. I got to see a few of my friends who attend there and met a few new friends through them (Hi Elysa!). We had a table set up with information about LightSys and I'm not sure how many times we answered the question: "So what does LightSys do?"

The four days kept us busy sharing at the booth, in several classes, in dorm devotions, and with the ACM club. We were blessed with an awesome host family (Thanks, Henry's!) and a really cool student liason (Thanks, Laura!) and met some amazing students and staff and faculty. It was really fun to see the lights come on for some students as we shared with them how they could use their IT skills for missions. I like those moments!
The next stop on our route is the Xenia, Ohio area, but we've been waylaid briefly due to the ice storm. We called up good friends in Little Rock this morning. "Can we crash at your place tonight?"
They said yes and we arrived just in time to be treated to steaming bowls of Ed's chili. Now we're blogging and relaxing after a stimulating game of Farkle.
Ah, the blessing of friends!
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