I left Dallas on Friday evening, 3/22, to spend 10 days on the road visiting prayer and financial supporters! I've put over 1000 miles on my car in the last 7 days and visited 25 supporters in 20 stops - thanking them for their prayers and support and encouragement over the last 6 years. It has been such a joy to be able to sit at their kitchen tables and sip tea and visit with them about their families and their businesses and their lives and be able to pray for them! We are truly so blessed to have the family of God!
It's fun and refreshing to be traveling the backroads as I crisscross through OK and KS. I picked up my youngest sister Lucinda in Medicine Lodge, KS and she's traveling with me and keeping me awake. We've named our loaner GPS "Gypsy" since it tends to take us all over the place - but we're extremely thankful for it!
The "epic storm" (as the Weather Channel is calling it) moved into Olsburg about half an hour after we arrived yesterday. We've got some ice overnight and about 5" of snow here today, but the roads have cleared and we're getting ready to head for Manhattan. I'm so thankful God arranged my travel schedule so I didn't have meetings all day yesterday/today, but I was at locations where I could just wait out the storm. Isn't God amazing!
Praising God for you!
enjoyed reading the post that you wrote in my mom's living room.
God Bless
We named our GPS Betty. She likes Jimmy more than she likes me. She yells at me. I don't trust her any more...
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