Friday, August 31, 2007

Korean Team Released

I'm sure you've heard the news by now that the last of the Korean ministry team has been released. I reminded by a fellow staff member that even if I don't like the terms of the hostage release, it is an answer to prayer. The Taliban had no reason not to just shoot the rest of the team. They threatened to do so time and time again. It is an answer to prayer that they were released. Thank you for praying.

Stumbled across this news article this evening talking about the response of the Korean World Missions Association (KWMA). Korea has over 16,000 missionaries deployed across the world. KWMA was funding up to 115 in Afghanistan -- many working in health clinics and orphanages. Most have been withdrawn in the last six weeks. Pray for wisdom for the KWMA and other Korean mission organizations as they learn and grow through this situation.

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